Our mission at Poiema Collaborative is to nurture a Christ centered creative arts
homeschool community. We are dedicated to creating a community of inspiration
where children and teens learn, create and have fun in a relaxed and supportive environment.
We believe that since we are created in God’s image and He is the ultimate
creator, we all have creativity inherently within us. Since we are God’s
workmanship, it is our desire to reflect God through all that we do while pursuing excellence.
It is our goal to introduce our students to a variety of creative opportunities so
they have the chance to explore areas in which they may not naturally have
interest, as well as nurture what has already been sparked within them. As we
are more focused on quality than quantity, we provide adequate time to complete projects.
Our classes are taught by skilled volunteers who desire to bring out the best in
each student, while infusing each lesson with scripture or bible lessons. We
encourage our students to grow in godly character as their personal growth is
just as important to us as their artistic endeavors.