Membership Guidelines
Attendance Policy:
Poiema classes are best served when everyone is in attendance. We encourage weekly attendance, and ask that you schedule appointments and other activities around our community day. We highly recommend on time arrival and participation in the morning gathering time. Attendance will be verified using the Band app.
Cancellations due to Inclement Weather:
Covenant Church closes its facility when Central Bucks School District is delayed or canceled. We will not meet in the event of a 2-hour delay. The Band will be updated with official notification as soon as it is received, but you may also check or news outlets for updates.
Cell Phone Policy:
In order to facilitate personal connections and minimize distractions, we ask that cell phones not be used at Poiema. Students should store their devices, give them to a parent to hold or leave them in the car. Poiema Collaborative is not liable if a device is lost, stolen or broken.
Our host Church requires all volunteers over the age of 18 have their PA Child Abuse clearance, PA background check and FBI fingerprinting. If you already have these and they are current, you may submit copies to Michelle Mussari, who will forward them to the church office. If Covenant Church already has them on file, we will let you know.
Clothing Policy:
Members are asked to dress appropriately for the activities that we will be engaging
in. This might include comfortable clothes that are easy to move around in, or clothes
that they don’t mind getting dirty. Members are also asked to be mindful to not wear
clothing that would be distracting, offensive, or provocative. If someone has a problem
with what another person is wearing, please bring your concern to the Executive Director.
Communication with Families:
Poiema will keep families informed regarding all necessary details through updates on the Poiema Community Band group. This group can be accessed through a free phone app or on your computer at At least one parent from each member family must have a log in and be a member of the group. This app eliminates the need for printed or digital calendars, email, Facebook groups, Remind, Slack, Shutterfly, Groupme, TeamSnap, group texts or any other communication methods. It provides a way for the Director and Board to communicate with the group, and also for group members to connect with one another. Parents should make it a habit to check the band for updates, and can adjust app notifications or emails as best suits your family. An invitation will be sent upon completion and approval of the application.
Conflict Resolution:
We will respect different ideas and views and will express disagreement with civility, honor and respect as we model agape love, which means acting in the best interest of those with whom we disagree.
Gossip is strongly discouraged as it is dishonoring to our Lord Jesus Christ. Disagreements and conflicts should be addressed as soon as possible; the longer conflict is unresolved, the harder it is to bridge the differences.
If two parties have a disagreement, the ideal response is for them to meet together, face to face, to discuss the matter and seek common ground.
If any person has a concern or a complaint about a leader of the group, whether a teacher or Board member, the concerned person is strongly encouraged to discuss the matter directly with the leader involved.
If the two people are unable to come to a place of resolution, than a board member
will be invited to help solve the conflict.
*Please note this does not include instances of bullying or abuse. Anyone experiencing bullying or abuse is encouraged to speak with any member of the leadership team to seek help.
Conduct Policy:
Our efforts should be defined by an excellence of personal moral character. Directors and parents are to be honored, esteeming them very highly in love because of their work. Relationships and communication among students should be inclusive, encouraging, wholesome, and reflecting a spirit of unity. Members should:
• make every effort to welcome and befriend new members.
• give full attention to the Director or teacher, and not distract others from doing the same.
• be respectful of other students — taking care to refrain from gossip and belittling.
• avoid inappropriate topics of conversation and the use of coarse or foul language.
• discuss items of concern with the Director or teacher in a timely manner, rather than with other members.
Discipline Policy:
While Poiema strives to provide adequate supervision of students during community day classes and activities, parents are ultimately responsible to ensure that their children abide by Poiema’s Membership Guidelines.
Should a student fail to abide by Poiema’s conduct policies, the following steps will be taken by the Director and/or Board representative:
A verbal reminder will be given. (The student will be reminded of the guidelines and his/her signed commitment to abide by them.)
Should a verbal reminder not suffice, the student’s parents will be contacted via email, phone, or in person.
The student may be put on probationary status – i.e. a warning that his/her continued participation in Poiema is in jeopardy.
The student will be required to withdraw from Poiema. Tuition will not be refunded. Future eligibility for enrollment in Poiema will be decided at the discretion of the Director, Board and teachers.
Facility Usage:
Please enter the building at the door where the main offices are located. The far left door should be open and a greeter will be at the entrance, however if you exit the building and need to return, only an adult may press the call button to be admitted. It is important that members only move in spaces that have been designated for use by Poiema. Should there be a need for assistance from the staff regarding facility issues, please contact the Executive Director first. Members are not to contact the church staff without speaking with the Director first. We are responsible for cleaning up after ourselves and food is only to be eaten in the café area or outside (weather permitting).
Medical Policy:
Please notify the Executive Director with changes in student’s medical information. Medical forms will be onsite in case of emergency. The use of masks or face shields will be determined in accordance with church policy and/or CDC guidelines.
Sick Child Policy:
It is our goal to be able to spend time with one another and help keep each other healthy.
Do not attend if you or a member of your family has any of the following symptoms: Fever 100º or higher
Vomiting or diarrhea
Skin infection or unexplained rash
Eye irritations (i.e. pink eye)
Excessive coughing, sneezing and/or runny nose
Communicable disease (chicken pox, mumps, COVID etc.)
Students are responsible for any supplies they are provided. They are to make every effort to keep the supplies in good condition and are required to return any unused supplies. Should supplies be lost a reimbursement cost will be charged.
Parent Meeting:
At least one parent from each family must participate in an online informational meeting that will be held several weeks prior to the start of classes. Dates will be provided months in advance. Both parents are encouraged to participate.
Parent Service:
Poiema cannot function without parents being willing to volunteer to teach and serve as classroom helpers. Each family must have one parent willing to serve in one of these roles for a minimum of one semester per year. Parents may be asked to serve more than one semester based on need and may be needed to serve in additional volunteer roles such as field trip coordinator, nursery coordinator or worker, coffee prep, clean up, photographer etc. Every family is required to have a parent volunteer in some way.
Parents who volunteer as teachers will receive the following tuition discounts:
Teach 1 Semester receive 10% off tuition
Teach 2 Semesters, receive 15% off tuition
Teach 2 Semesters (more than one class in either session) 20% off tuition
Discounts to teachers will be provided based on their commitment prior to August 1, 2023
Publicity Policy:
Poiema reserves the right to use photographs or videos of the students for promotional purposes. If you prefer to opt out, you may do so on the Photo Release Waiver.
Sales, solicitations, and mass distribution of fliers, advertisements, etc., are prohibited. Poiema Band group and email address lists are only for Poiema business and communication between members. Mass emails using the list are considered a violation of Poiema family privacy.
Tuition and Fees:
Once the application has been reviewed and approved, an invoice will be sent via Paypal. Full tuition is due no later than August 1st. Families registering for the full year will be given priority over families registering for only one semester. For single semester families, the full tuition is due at registration. All fees are non-refundable.
Full Year Tuition is as follows:
1 Student - $300
2 Students - $500
3 Students - $675
4 Students - $800
5 Students - $850
6 Students - $875